Lay Dominicans Luce Jean Jacques (954)326-6985
Altar Servers Rev. Fr. Lucien Eugene Pierre Ph.D
Pastoral Family Ministry Dr. Ducarmel Augustin (954) 971-0330
Black Catholic Ministry Charles Thompson (305) 481-5704
Extraordinary Ministry of the Eucharist Bernadette Mathieu (954) 478-6989
Respect Life Richard Esposito (954)731-7314
Hospitality Theresa Reynolds Lorna Martin Maria Sooden Norman McLarty Missole Charles Gertha Ambroise Charles Thompson Viviana Arce Ana Morales Marie-Lourdes Pierre-Philippe
Lifeteen Youth Ministry Rev. Lucien Eugene Pierre Ph.D.
Knights of Columbus Michel Alfred Tony Pavlish (954) 484-9915
Saint Vincent de Paul Ministry (954) 954-530-3880
Saint Helen Catholic School Secretary: Marie Neptune 954-739-7094 ext. 2002 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parish Office Secretary Maria Goretti Franck: Ext 1001 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parish Manager Marcelle Chery ext. 1002 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bookkeeper: 954-731-7314 ext.1003
Baptisms Sunday at 1:30 p.m. One class required Marriages 6 months preparation On appointment with the Pastor Religious Education (DRE) Sr. Therese Duong Phan (954) 731-7314 ext 1006 Director of Music Les Blachut: (954) 993-5494 Spanish Community Music Juan Saldivar (954) 857-8445 Haitian Choir Coordinator Madeleine Dubois 954) 383-6114
Haitian Community Mercie Dieujuste 954-557-1740 Council of Catholic Women Peggy Delcontivo (954)731-7314 Legion of Mary Every Monday 5pm Ethel Vanterpool (646) 610-2133 Prayer Group Haitian: Mercie Dieujuste( 954) 557-1740 Every Th. at 7pm in chapel Spanish: Ana Morales 954-588-2121 Tues 7pm in the Chapel Men’s Group Ministry Hayward J. Benson Jr. Ed.D. (954) 854-8802 Liturgy Leaders English: Peggy Delcontivo (954)731-7314 Haitian: Miracleula Louizor 954-224-5216 Spanish Keidy Amaya 347-570-2321
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Bernadette Mathieu (954)717-4378 Richard Esposito (954)731-7314 Garden Angels Team Mie Carmelle Moussignac Jessy Fragé Ushers: Hubert Patrick (954) 730-2022